The Multidimensional Benefits of Sports for Kids

The Multidimensional Benefits of Sports for Kids

Apart from education, you need good health, and for that, you need to play sports. – Kapil Dev, former captain of the Indian Cricket Team.

In all the distractions of the modern life, right from the ever-rising lure of the social media platforms to the ever-advancing video games, the attraction and the time for sports are increasingly getting diminished from the lives of our young ones. The resultant inactivity, in addition to wrong food and lifestyle choices, has led to long-lasting detrimental impacts on not just the physical health of the children but also on their mental capacities. The cases of childhood obesity are alarmingly on the rise, which is often coupled with hindered cognitive abilities and low brain health. We, at Banyan Tree School, believe that the easiest solution to all of these negative effects lies in encouraging our children to take a break from those video games and smartphones, and rather invest their time and energy in the productive pursuits of sports. Here are some of the multidimensional benefits that we believe sports can to offer for our children:

Ensuring better balance and coordination

Kids who participate in sports early on in their lives know how to control their bodies in a better manner. This positively affects other significant motor functions and aids in developing fine and gross motor skills, balance, and coordination in children. Participating in sports help develop the neural pathways that lead to the enhancement of these skills, which emerge as a significant benefit for the kids.

Increased stamina and strength

Participation in sports, such as cricket, football, tennis, and the likes, helps in strengthening the muscles that lead to an increase in stamina and strength. Sports also ensure the involvement of sudden and steady muscle movement, which thereby promotes the development of all types of muscle tissues in the body.

Alleviating stress and lifting the mood

It has been scientifically proven that engaging in sports leads to an enhanced secretion of the hormone endorphin, also called the happy hormone, which alleviates stress and lifts the mood. Sports also teach kids to leave all their aggression and hostility on the field and come back to it the next day, with renewed enthusiasm and vigor.

Improvement in social skills

Participation in sports helps in developing the ability to consider the interests of the teammates and to establish mutual cooperation and respect. The children get to work together, share their resources and time, and cope with their failure and success as a team. Even in the ones that do not team sports, there is a lot to learn from cooperating and abiding with the instructors.

Development of their leadership skills

Games teach children how to lead from the front, and, share the responsibility of both winning and losing on the field. Sports thus help in developing the natural leading ability in kids, and the skills thus brought forth helps children to excel in all the arenas of life, from their educational institutions to the future workplaces.

Lowered risks of negative influences

Engagement in sports reduces the extent of unsupervised free time in children’s hands and keeps boredom away. This means that children have a lower risk of coming under negative influences such as drugs, drinking, or indulging in cybercrimes once they are more attuned to focus on daily practices and exercises.

Positive changes in body composition

Kids who regularly participate in sports tend to be leaner and fitter than those who live sedentary lives. A healthy body composition keeps away several diseases such as metabolic syndromes, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and so on.

We, at Banyan Tree School, one among the Top 5 Schools in Chandigarh, have always strived to keep our pupils just as focused on the sports and extracurricular activities as dedicated they are about their academic excellence. Thus, from cricket to football, and more, we have always ensured to endow our students with adequate opportunities that enable them to bring out their athletic side. Under the guidance of experienced and committed mentors and trainers, we have witnessed the rise of many of our students as champions in various sports, and are looking forward to our upcoming batches to keep bringing home more and more laurels in various sporting events.