The Best Books for Motivating Your Teen

The Best Books for Motivating Your Teen

The teenage years are quite challenging, filled with lots of emotional landmines, and so many adolescent issues popping up each day. It is hence, important that teenage kids are provided with all of the wise support in their trying times of adolescence. But, actually, what we have seen is that most parents wonder what they can do to keep their teens motivated and inspired, apart from advising them directly. We believe that teenage is the time when parents should resort to a few “outside sources” of inspiration, and one of the best of such inspirational sources is undoubtedly the books. Books are indeed a wonderful option to inspire and influence children in the way you wish, but definitely from a different voice and perspective.

Getting indulged in books not only supports their researching and analyzing skills but also provides them with the motivation to move forward with their life goals and aspirations. Reading further helps them visualize different scenarios from various standpoints. From the academic perspective also, children who read books are more likely to develop strong vocabulary and linguistic skills, which aid in their scholastic development as well. Reading helps broaden their imagination and enables them to put down their thoughts into words. In short, the more the kids read, the more they gain.

To that end, inspirational and self-help books are a great way to help teens expand their horizons and learn more about people and the world. Motivational books can help them analyze situations, make sound decisions, and tackle real-life problems much wisely. However, not all literature is the same, which makes it important to filter out the best that can be really helpful for your child. Listed below are some of the best motivational books that can be a great aid for teenage children:

  • The 6 Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make by Sean Covey helps teens make smart choices in life’s crucial moments. The author uses real-life stories to show teens how to succeed in school life, make friends, avoid addictions, and wisely handle adolescence issues. He uses quotes, quizzes, and cartoons within the book to keep teens stay occupied with the reading and get inspired. Covey is also the author of yet another teen book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens”, which is also a worthy read.
  • “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale is a book of positivity, teaching children how to make big life decisions and how to get through difficult phases of life. ‘Think positive’ is a mantra that every teen should learn. The author provides a lot of helpful tips for teens to not only find a fulfilling, happy life, but improve their personal and professional relationships, and build their power and determination to reach for their goals. This classic book is a must-have for every teen.
  • “You Can Win” by Shiv Khera is a book with powerful ideas, easily understandable to the young minds. The book is written in a simple language simple and talks about growing one’s personality and finding the right direction towards success. It is a good read for teenagers as it helps them develop a purpose and generate ideas to hit their goals in life.

There are a few more motivational books such as The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, Learning How to Fly: Life Lessons for the Youth by Abdul Kalam, which are indeed some brilliant books for teenagers.

No doubt, inspirational books are the most effective source of motivation, and this particularly pertains to teenage children. Motivational books have the power to unfold the world in the simplest manner. These books serve as a guide to help the teenagers pass through the fluctuations and get on the right path. We, at Banyan Tree School, ranked among the top private schools in Chandigarh, have always encouraged the habit of reading in our pupils, and to support the same we have included a vast range of books in our extensive library.  Our focus, at Banyan Tree, is to help establish the right balance of academic empowerment, personal development, and spiritual and physical growth for our students. The way our pupils have been ascending the ladder of learning with excellence is proof that all our efforts have truly borne fruits.