Play and Cognitive Development of Kids Go Hand in Hand

Play and Cognitive Development of Kids Go Hand in Hand

Playtime is something that instantly brightens up the face of any and every child. Playing is something that no one really needs to teach a child as it is an impulse that is inherent and constant in them. We commonly see playing as a source of enjoyment and relaxation for the young ones, however, do you know that it entails a lot more than that? Scientists and child psychologists have, in fact, proven that playing offers a way for continued and enhanced cognitive development of young minds. Dr. Sergio Pellis, a senior researcher at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, opines that the experience of play alters the connection of the neurons at the frontal part of the brain, which is like the executive control center of the brain. These changes make an individual more attuned to problem-solving, creative thinking, effective planning, and regulating emotions. The complex circuits thus developed in the prefrontal cortex of the brain help children to navigate social interactions, as well. Here’s delving deeper into the matter to get a better understanding of how play and cognitive development go hand in hand.

Helps in the development of problem-solving abilities

The way kids play, enhances their ability to solve the divergent problems, which yield itself to multiple solutions. Playing, regardless of whether the kids are simply laying down the puzzle pieces, or having a game of hiding and seek with friends, involves encountering a problem that they need to reach a solution to. These attempts to solve the problems not only improves the cognitive abilities but also enhances the creative capacities of children.

Teaches the ways of effective planning

Play helps the children to figure out different “what if” scenarios and effectively plan their ways to use those situations to their advantage. An interesting fact that deserves a mention here is that the opportunities to bring in the cognitive development of the young minds towards effective planning are better implemented through unstructured playing whereby children are required to plan as they go along the game.

Improves the ability to remember and recall

A study by Gordon et al. 2003 on rats showed increased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the brains while the animals were allowed to play. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a crucial element in the growth and maintenance of the brain cells, and researchers suggested that it works in the same way in human minds and works to build greater retention capabilities in children.

Develops self-regulation and reasoning abilities

Studies have suggested that kids who frequently engage in pretend play have stronger self-regulation skills. This is because players need to conform to a specific set of rules and practice confirming to those rules, as well as find out ways to win, which helps in building both self-control and reasoning abilities.

At Banyan Tree School, one among the Top Ten Schools in Chandigarh, we understand that in the present age where there is rising competition in every nook and corner of life, children hardly find any time to spend on outdoor activities. Moreover, there are modern digital gadgets and tools, which seem to be a convenient option to kids than going out and playing with other children. Today’s children hence, neither get much time nor do they have the will to actually engage in playing activities involving physical efforts. This kind of attitude is increasingly leading to health issues among young children and is also resulting in the inadequate cognitive development of young minds. We, at Banyan Tree, always encourage our pupils to engage in play activities that involve physical efforts. We also advise the parents to set aside a particular time every day in the children’s daily routine to just let them play to their hearts’ content. If we can help the kids establish an equilibrium between academics and playing time, we are sure that this will definitely nurture the kids to the core and aid in their overall growth and development.