Discipline Techniques that may Backfire

Discipline Techniques that may Backfire

Disciplining your kids is not just about ensuring that they face the consequences for their actions, but rather, it involves making sure that the children gain the skills that help them transform into responsible individuals. We, at the Banyan Tree School, believe that disciplining is a necessary aspect of parenting as it plays a crucial role in helping the children grow up into well-rounded adults. Besides, the right techniques of discipline not only help the kids to get a grip on their emotions but also assist them in understanding the differentiation between right and wrong actions and behaviors.

However, we, at Banyan Tree, have noticed that all the positive aspects of disciplining your child get negated when the techniques for doing so are not right. When it comes to making the kids understand their mistake, the emphasis should be on fostering and nurturing the good behaviors in them rather than simply scolding them for their faults. We have always vouched for the fact that we need to be extremely careful in choosing the ways of disciplining the children so as to not leave any ugly scar on their tender minds. The following are some of the discipline techniques that might end up doing more harm than good for your child and hence should be strictly avoided, no matter what.

Say NO to the use of negative words

We have seen many parents trying to discipline their children by simply forbidding them from doing certain acts by saying a straight ‘No’ or ‘Don’t,’ but failing to establish a clear idea regarding the reasons for saying so or even guiding them in what they should do instead. For instance, just telling your son that he should not ignore his basketball practice will only make him feel like being goaded into the act. You can instead guide him on the importance of the practice sessions for his physical wellbeing to motivate him for the work.

Never ever shame your child

Shaming children for their mistakes or shortcomings not just hurt their self-esteem but also damage the beautiful parent-child relationship. There may be times when instead of understanding the folly of his/her ways, the child may turn more adamant and angry on your act of shaming him/her, thereby, further compounding the problem. To stop such negative emotions from rising in the mind of your young one, try to engage in a conversation with your kid about the matter in place of publicly shaming him/her.

Avoid hitting and yelling on the child

The fact about such aggressive physical punishments is that after a while the child may get habituated to it and the methods lose all the effectiveness. We understand that children are so mischievous at times that it becomes difficult not to lose your cool and raise your voice. Such occasional instances are a part and parcel of parenting but make sure that you do not turn this into a habit for you or your child. Move away from the place if you feel the urge to yell or hit the child and come back for discussing his/her acts after you have calmed down.

We, at Banyan Tree School, one among the top ranked CBSE schools in Chandigarh, believe that though discipline is vital for the development of children into virtuous human beings, the approach of disciplining should never become synonymous with punishments. The ideal way is to probe into the reasons for their undesirable behavior, instead of only wanting to meet out the punishment for the act. We have a firm belief that if a clear line of communication and understanding can be established with the children, disciplining them becomes much more effective and easy.