Tips to Reduce Plastic Usage in Our Daily Lives

Tips to Reduce Plastic Usage in Our Daily Lives

Mother earth has always provided us with every necessity to sustain on this planet. It is high time we understand our responsibilities to return back to her what she really deserves and restrain ourselves from leaving carbon footprints on it. One thing that has drawn substantial attention of the environmentalists these days is the plastic trash that has reached an alarming height over the last few decades. Studies across the world have revealed that most of the thickly populated areas on earth contribute in this unholy plastic waste gathering. Millions of tons of plastic waste has already contaminated the lands and the waters affecting the biodiversity and even pushing many varieties of marine life to the verge of extinction. Thus, it is time that we put a check on our activities and make sure that we don’t retrace the damages done so far by adopting the means of 3Rs, i.e., Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle.

The fact is that no change can occur overnight. We, humans, have to become more environment-aware and ensure responsible usage of plastic, guaranteeing sustainability. It is best if the ideas of protecting the world around us can be introduced from the early stages of growing up, and we, at Banyan Tree, one among the Top Ten Schools in Chandigarh, believe that schools can actually play a pioneering role in this regard. At Banyan Tree School, we strive to make each of our pupils aware of the necessity of nurturing nature as it does for us. Here, we would like to share a few effective solutions through which we believe we canconsiderably put control on plastic waste, which is one of the biggest threats for the environment today.

Using jute bags or cloth bags instead of plastic ones

Every time you go shopping, you opt for a new plastic bag to carry your stuff home. Restrain yourself from getting a new bag every time, and get into the habit of carrying your own bag from home whenever going out for shopping. This will reduce the usage and consumption of plastic bags. It would be, in fact, great if you can look for substitutes for plastic bags. Instead of taking plastic bags, switch to jute bags or cloth bags that are durable and eco-friendly.

Carry your own bottle

When you go for a long drive, a party, a walk, or to the market, make sure that you carry your water bottle from home, and you do not end up purchasing a fresh plastic bottle for water. Once your container runs dry, refill it but stay away from buying a new bottle to ensure no further additions to the pool of plastic trash.

Use reusableand biodegradable products

Get into the habit of opting for bio-degradable product varieties replacing the non-reducible ones. For instance, choose to pick glass bottles instead of a plastic container to store water at home and use glass or steel utensils in place of plastic made ones. This little change in choice would be a significant step towards securing the future of the world.

Separate bins for recyclable items

Do not throw every waste in one bin. Instead, keep two bins to accommodate the recyclable items and the non-recyclable ones separately. You can also think of having a composting bin at home, which will effortlessly turn all the organic waste into useful manure that is helpful in gardening.

Use glass jars for the freezer

Freezing food is a daily necessity to keep the nutrients intact in fruits and vegetables. However, choose to store the food items in glass jars instead of plastic containers.

The environment needs honest attempts of every human being for sustenance. We, at Banyan Tree School, comprehend the severity of the situation, and in our attempt to make the young generation aware of the nuances of plastic usage, we have included special classes for children to enable them to connect with nature and its resources. Our focus is to make the kids understand how important it is for mankind to conserve the natural surroundings. To that end, even if we start with something as small as saying no to plastic usage, we can surely reap some great results in our aim of saving our precious Mother Earth.