The Rising Need to Raise Nature Smart Kids

The Rising Need to Raise Nature Smart Kids

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” – Rachel Carson, American marine biologist, author, and conservationist.

There is no denying the fact that technological advancements have made life so much easier for us, but when it comes to our kids, its detrimental effects cannot be ignored as well. It’s allowing to the ease of access to smartphones, computers, and video games these days that most kids prefer staying indoors than coming outside and spending some time out in the natural surroundings. Though this situation where children are increasingly veering away from nature might not seem like a major issue on the surface, if you delve deeper, you will see that the problem related to it needs a lot of attention.

With all the pollution, mindless deforestation, widespread urbanization, and the rising level of global warming, the earth is under dire threats at present. Children, being the flag bearers of tomorrow, need to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of nature and its many bounties, as only then they will be motivated enough towards its conservation. At Banyan Tree School which is the best CBSE school in Chandigarh, we believe that nature smart children will not only take the necessary steps towards environmental conservation but will also be in a better position to develop their inner sensibilities and responsibilities they ow towards mother earth. Here’s taking a closer look at why it is necessary for us to ensure raising a nature smart generation.

For developing empathy and compassion towards nature

One of the prime reasons behind raising nature smart kids is to enable them to build empathy and compassion towards nature. Until the issues that our earth is suffering from actually affects and pains them, they will not be motivated to take the steps to right the wrongs. Since our children are the greatest legacy that we leave behind, it is also a part of our duty to enable them to take care of our environment.

A step towards the conservation of nature

As the kids get to understand the need for the preservation of nature and develop empathy and compassion towards it, they will also feel motivated to take the steps further to conserve it. When children turn nature smart, they become aware of the different ways of conserving the environment, and their smallest efforts can come together to make a big difference.

Raising the awareness about environmental concerns

Nature smart kids do not just take the right steps to address the environmental concerns, but also take initiatives to spread the message among their peers. It is far more effective when a child hears about the importance of conservation of nature from his/her friend, rather than reading about it from books and websites. Thus, many more children are likely to join the folds of being environmentally aware citizens.

Building up a sense of responsibility and duty

When we teach our children about the sense of responsibility, we often fail to take into account the duty that they have towards Mother Nature. Their teachings should thus not just pertain to respecting and obeying the elders, but also towards valuing nature and its many gifts and paying heed towards the issues that concern it. Thus, being nature smart aids in developing an all-encompassing sense of responsibility in young minds.

Helps them in making smart choices

An environmentally aware child is more likely to make smart choices when it comes to the conservation of the resources. From the little steps like switching off the lights while leaving the room and closing the tap after using it to major steps like planting and nurturing trees in the surroundings, the smart choices that the kids make eventually end up helping the household in the best possible manner.

We, at Banyan Tree School, one among the Top Schools of Chandigarh, believe that the responsibility of raising nature smart kids lies not only with the parents, but also with us, as their teachers and mentors. To that end, we make sure to impart the lessons of environmental issues and preservation through our theoretical and practical teachings. We believe that making children aware of their responsibility towards the environment is a crucial part in their overall development as nation builders of tomorrow, and this is exactly what we, at Banyan Tree, have strived to achieve with our teachings and lessons taught to the young minds at the school.