Understanding the Benefits of Interactive Learning Approach

Understanding the Benefits of Interactive Learning Approach

The scenario of modern education is constantly undergoing a sea change. Educationists have been persistently and continually exploring newer approaches to make learning engaging, fun, and interesting for children. In this regard, it is important to mention the concept of interactive learning, which is considered as one of the foremost modes of learning nowadays and is found to be immensely effective both inside the classroom as well as beyond it. We, at Banyan Tree School, believe that the best way to define interactive learning would be to seeing it as a process of understanding the concepts in such a manner that the knowledge is not merely imparted theoretically, but the emphasis is also laid on encompassing the practical application of what is learned. This requires the students to not just memorize but also engage with the lessons, which, in turn, brings about better results.

This form of learning incorporates the course material with a hands-on, experiential approach to offer the children an incomparable learning experience. The interactive learning approach is way beyond the rote learning of lessons or goading the children to score perfect marks in the examinations. Here, the aim is to ensure that the knowledge is aptly imbibed in the young minds for them to be able to draw on it in the times to come. Here are a few of the ways through which interactive learning helps to make education importation much more engaging and fun-filled experience.

Improves problem-solving and critical thinking skills

We have seen that the techniques of interactive learning not just help in engaging the students but also let them absorb the knowledge through a very active environment. This dynamic environment helps in sharpening their critical thinking skills, which is fundamental to the growth of analytical reasoning. This is particularly helpful for the subjects like Mathematics, which we have seen most of the students are scared of.

Increases dedication and concentration towards the lessons

As we all know, students get bored very easily, and this makes it a daunting task to make them sit through one study period after another. This is where the pros of interactive learning come into play as being an engaging form of learning it helps the children to get immersed in the lessons without getting bored at all. When we introduce games, debates, and audio-video aids in the learning process, it helps to capture the attention and concentration of the students, and they tend to get more involved in understanding the lessons. It helps transform the process of learning into something that they look forward to, rather than, being goaded into.

Enables students to come up with innovative and creative solutions

Interactive learning does not center on the routine “three two’s are six” kind of learning style. It rather ventures beyond the textbooks and steers clear of the traditional learning methodologies. It offers relevant tools to the students to explore the lessons learned as well as offers them the freedom to come up with innovative solutions. The children are allowed to sift through the learning material and problems, and thus, they are able to think more effectively and clearly. It helps in enhancing their creativity rather than overshadowing it through mere textbook learning.

Ensures a proper connection with the real world

The traditional teaching methods have long been under fire for failing to equip the students with the necessary tools to navigate the world in this twenty-first century. Interactive learning helps in solving that issue by teaching the students more universally-applicable problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Most of the time, this form of teaching is applied through technological and digital means in the classes, where the teachers teach by utilizing the online tools that have become almost synonymous to our modern work and life.

We, at Banyan Tree School, one among the top schools in Chandigarh, have seen that the interactive form of learning helps the students in not only having a better understanding of the subject but also makes it interesting for the teachers to impart the knowledge in a much more interesting manner. This is one of the reasons why learning at the Banyan Tree School is much more engaging and exciting rather than being monotonous and routine. We want our children to actively partake in this beautiful process of absorbing and gripping new knowledge and ideas every single day instead of prodding them to simply go through the uninteresting learning procedures.