How to Protect Kids from the Most Common Lifestyle Diseases

How to Protect Kids from the Most Common Lifestyle Diseases

Over the past century, there has been a dramatic increase in the nutritional deficiencies and the rate of non-communicable diseases among the majority of population in India. What is more concerning is that the occurrences of lifestyle diseases among children are becoming higher, many of which are related to poor eating patterns and physical inactivity. It is high time we understand the impact of poor lifestyle on health and take measures to prevent the emergence of lifestyle diseases among our dear kids.

What is seen today is that most children are fond of a diet that’s too high in calories, sodium, added sugars, and saturated fat. The kind of food that they like to eat generally lacks whole grains, fruits, vegetables, calcium, and fiber content. Such a diet is sure to increase the risk of numerous lifestyle diseases and can impose ill effects on health. There arises a question, “what can we do to protect our kids?” Well, the answer is to bring awareness in them about the adverse effects of bad lifestyle and teach them how adopting a healthy lifestyle with changes in food habits, physical activity, and sleeping patterns, can improve overall health and protect them from the risk of chronic lifestyle diseases.

Healthy Diet Matters a Lot!!

Of all the factors that cause lifestyle diseases in children, food habits top the chart. It is hence necessary to make sure that the food we offer to our kids is low-fat, nutrient-rich. Cereals, fruits, veggies, dairy products are some good food items that should cut down and replace the unhealthy alternatives in the diet of children. Fast foods and processed foods should ideally be a “Big NO!” By limiting sugary foods and beverages, we can easily reduce the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes in children. Above all, it is crucial that children are taught about the hazards of junk foods so that they understand the risks and willingly adopt healthy eating habits.

Indulge in Physical Activity

Do you know that the obesity rates in children have tripled over the last few decades! The main reason behind the prevalence of obesity in children is lack of physical activity. Increased indulgence into gadgets, video games, and TV is the major culprit here. There is hence the need to change the children’s sedentary lifestyle and engage them in various physical activities such as sports, household chores, recreation, or physical exercise to reduce the risk of obesity and help prevent the onset of non-communicable diseases. World Health Organization recommends that one hour of moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity every day can improve muscular fitness, bone health, and promote cardiovascular and metabolic health biomarkers in children. Yet another benefit of outdoor activity is exposure to sunlight. It is advised that spending 15 to 20 minutes outdoors in direct sunlight can boost the production of vitamin D in children, helping the body absorb calcium and increase its immunity power.

Get Adequate Sleep

Getting adequate sleep is very important for the body to function in harmony. Children should follow the habit of ‘early to bed and early to rise’ in order to correct their sleeping patterns. It is recommended that they have at least 8-10 hours of sleep every day to maintain sharp intellect and good health.

It is a proven fact that lifestyle habits and health are deeply interlinked with each other. Hence, if we wish to achieve holistic development for children, it is imperative that due emphasis is given to their lifestyle as well. We, at Banyan Tree, being the mentors and guides of the young minds, offer a conducive environment where the young minds are encouraged to focus on maintaining good health as it is a prime requisite for achieving anything in life ahead. We believe that the fundamental purpose of school education is to bring a positive behavior modification in children to aid them in their journey of knowledge acquisition. At Banyan Tree School, ranked among the Top 10 Public Schools in Chandigarh, we have adopted an innovative approach towards education impartation that offers a balance of personal development, spiritual growth, and physical fitness to ensure the future generation stays fit, physically, mentally, and intellectually.